6 Fruit Trees To Grow In Victoria, BC | Ascent Yard Care

6 Fruit Trees To Grow In Victoria, BC

Plant these fruit trees for a great home harvest


Plum trees

The most common varieties of plums to grow in Victoria are sugar plum, prune plum and green gage plum. Plum trees produce a lot of fruit, and these varieties of plums are delicious to eat on their own. Mature plum trees produce tons of fruit, if you can’t keep up with eating it all yourself, you can offer them to neighbours, or try out some plum recipes. For best results, plum trees should be planted in full sun and receive regular watering.

Apple trees

Some of the best varieties of apples to grow in Victoria are McIntosh, Gala, and Honeycrisps. Most apple trees are low maintenance, making them a highly rewarding fruit tree to have. For best results, your apple tree should get plenty of sun and water. Apple trees can sometimes produce so many apples you find yourself looking for creative ways to use them. Some of our favourite ways to use apples from our trees is for apple sauce (which you can make large batches of and freeze), apple pies, apple juice, and dried apple rings.

Pear trees

Some of the best pear trees to grow in Victoria are the Bartlett and Bosc varieties. Pear trees are easy to maintain and produce lots of fruit. Pears are wonderful when canned and are a great way to change up your usual apple sauce recipe. They are also delicious to eat on their own. For best results, plant your pear trees in full sun and water them once a week.

Fig trees

Fig trees do best in a moderate climate, making them the perfect fruit tree for Victoria! Not only do they produce delicious fruits that are expensive in stores, but their giant lush leaves will make them a beautiful addition to your yard. For best results, fig trees should be in full sun with regular watering. Figs can be used to make jam, they can be added to salads, and they make a great addition to any charcuterie board.

Cherry trees

Cherry trees are easy to grow in Victoria! It is important to pick a very sunny location for your cherry tree. With lots of sun exposure, cherry trees will produce tons of cherries for you to pick and enjoy. Be aware that birds love cherries as well, so for best results it may be a good idea to have a scarecrow or fake owl ornament near the tree. Cherry trees can also be covered in a large net while the fruit is ripening to keep critters from eating the fruit. Plant your cherry tree in full sun, and you can expect fruit production after about 5 years if you plant a young tree. 

Mulberry trees

Mulberry trees are very easy to care for, and come in 3 different varieties, red, white, and black. Mulberry trees are very lush, so they will add a nice look to any outside area. For best results plant your mulberry tree in full sun. Mulberry trees produce delicious berries that are extremely sweet. Mullberries cannot be purchased in grocery stores in Victoria so planting your own tree is a great way to experience this fruit.

Upsides of growing fruit at home

  • Fresh fruit is often much more flavourful than the store bought counterpart
  • Fruit trees make the unproductive space in your yard into food producing space
  • Growing fruit at home is a great way to create free food
  • Growing fruit at home reduces your carbon footprint


Downsides of growing fruit at home

  • Fruit trees can become diseased and create poor quality fruit 
  • Fruit trees need pruning every year once they are mature 
  • Fruit trees will get very large and not produce poor quality fruit if not pruned 
  • Fruit trees ripen there fruit all at once and if not harvested quickly the fruit will go bad 
  • The fruit might be eaten by wasps, racoons and birds


Easiest Berries To Grow In Your Garden In Victoria, BC

Berries are easier to grow than fruit trees and berry plants need much less time to mature before producing fruit than do fruit trees


  • There is nothing more delicious than homegrown strawberries
  • You can grow strawberries from seed, or buy a strawberry plant from your local nursery
  • Strawberries will do best when planted in full sun
  • Depending on the variety, strawberry plants can produce fruit anywhere between 1-4 months


  • Blueberries grow on bushes and are another delicious fruit to add to your garden
  • You can grow blueberries from seed, or buy a blueberry plant from your local nursery
  • Blueberry plants will do best planted in full sun but can tolerate some shade
  • Depending on the variety, blueberry plants usually produce fruit for about 2 months


  • Raspberry plants are very easy to grow and maintain
  • They will do best planted in full sun but can tolerate partial shade
  • You can grow raspberries best with a small cane from your local nursery
  • Typically, raspberry plants will produce fruit for about 2-3 months

Tayberry or “Loganberry”

  • Tayberries are a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry
  • Tayberries are delicious and very easy to grow in Victoria, BC
  • They will do best planted in full sun but can tolerate partial sun
  • You can grow tayberries best with a small cane from your local nursery
  • Typically, tayberry plants will produce fruit for about 2-3 months

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