7 Ways To Get Rid of Spurge Laurel

7 Ways To Get Rid of Spurge Laurel

More Than Meets the Eye in This Highly Poisonous Plant

Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola), a potent threat to both public health and environmental well-being, calls for immediate action to mitigate its adverse effects. Here, we explore seven effective ways to remove this invasive species from your garden and restore the balance of your local ecosystem.

1. Manual Removal

One of the simplest ways to tackle a Spurge Laurel problem is manual removal. However, the plant's toxicity poses a risk as the plant releases toxins than can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. This method can be both dangerous and labour-intensive so it is only recommended for small patches. Keep in mind if any root fragments are left in the ground they will re-grow.

2. Precision Spot Treatment

One of the most environmentally-friendly methods is precision spot treatment. This involves cutting the plant down to the stump, then precisely applying herbicide to the small new leaves that sprout. A specialized selective herbicide that kills spurge laurel only is applied to the leaves of the plant, which will be absorbed and eventually kill the plant and roots. This method limits herbicide use and ensures minimal impact on surrounding environment.

3. Professional Assistance

Engaging a professional invasive species removal service is an excellent option, especially for larger infestations. These professionals have the experience and the tools to handle the job effectively and safely. They also employ environmentally-friendly techniques to ensure that no harm comes to the surrounding flora and fauna.

4. Biological Control

Biological control, which is the practice of using natural enemies to combat invasive plants is unfortunately not an option for Spurge Laurel. Spurge Laurel has no natural enemies. In fact, Spurge Laurel is poisonous to livestock and every year since 1953 there have been over 100 reported cases of livestock dying due to ingesting Spurge Laurel that has made its way into fields.

5. Community Initiatives

Joining community initiatives aimed at combating invasive species is a great way to contribute to the removal of Spurge Laurel. These initiatives often organize removal events and provide resources for homeowners dealing with Spurge Laurel.

6. Preventing Spread

Finally, preventing the spread of Spurge Laurel is a crucial part of its management. This can be achieved by ensuring that you do not unintentionally transport or dispose of the plant in a way that could lead to further infestations.

7. Professional Removal

Spurge Laurel's silent danger reminds us of our responsibility to understand the nature of the plants in our environment. Awareness, caution, and prompt action are needed to prevent tragic poisoning incidents. If Spurge Laurel is present in your garden or local park, consider reaching out to a local horticultural expert or agency for advice on safe removal. Through education and action, we can protect ourselves, our children, and our pets from this potent threat lurking in our gardens and green spaces.

Spurge Laurel removal cost

We provide spurge laurel removal in both Victoria, BC and Vancouver, BC. Contact us for a free in-person quote.

Always take the necessary precautions or seek professional help to ensure that the removal process is safe and effective. By doing so, we can create healthier, safer environments for everyone.


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