7 Ways to Get Rid Of Vinca - Permanent and Eco-Friendly Removal

7 Ways to Get Rid Of Vinca - Permanent and Eco-Friendly Removal

A Comprehensive Guide

Trim Vinca to ground level

Use garden shears, a hedge trimmer, or a string trimmer to reduce Vinca to ground level. This initial step is critical in managing Vinca since it can regenerate from its roots.

Uproot Vinca from the roots

Young and small Vinca plants can be manually uprooted, which is easier when the soil is damp and pliable.

Unearth the roots

Use a shovel or pickaxe to unearth the roots. Remember, mature Vinca roots can go as deep as 3 feet.

Avoid spreading of cuttings

Ensure that no Vinca cuttings are left lying on the ground since they can take root and propagate a new plant. Make sure to dispose of the plant material at a disposal facility or secure it in a plastic bag to avoid further spreading.

Regular Mowing

Weekly mowing can be a practical alternative to digging out roots or pulling up the plants, provided the terrain is flat enough. Since Vinca is a fast-growing plant, regular mowing is necessary for this method to work.


After reducing Vinca to ground level, cover the area with a light-proof tarp or plastic sheet. This method deprives Vinca of light, preventing photosynthesis. With time, usually a year or more, the plants and their root system will die off.

Professional Help:

We are deeply committed to the success of each project. Don't hesitate to contact us for a complimentary in-person quote in Victoria, BC.

About Vinca

Often referred to as "Periwinkle," Vinca is a pervasive plant species found throughout Vancouver Island. Known for its rapid expansion and dense growth, this plant can form large mats, crowding out native species. It's especially proficient in forested areas where it forms thick carpets, smothering other plants.

The invasiveness of Vinca

Several factors contribute to Vinca's invasive nature:

  • Vinca can form dense patches covering vast areas
  • It has an extensive root system that can sprout new plants even 20 feet away
  • Vinca's stems can root and produce new plants
  • Vinca is extremely tenacious, capable of rebounding even after being cut back

Why is Vinca removal crucial?

Vinca brings about several risks, including:

  • Unchecked spreading, which can increase over time
  • Potential to provide shelter for rodent infestations
  • Possibility of damaging natural waterways
  • Displacement of native plant species
  • Risk of encroaching upon neighbouring properties
  • Fast and robust growth, particularly in Pacific Northwest forests' understories

How we permanently eradicate Vinca:

We start by removing all above-ground Vinca vines and plant material using power cutters. The cut material is then cleared away and the roots are dug out.

If necessary, we use eco-friendly treatments to eliminate Vinca. This method involves cutting back the plant and selectively treating the new leaves. This treatment leads to the root system's death over time. Importantly, our approach does not harm other plants and has no impact on soil activity or runoff.

Since our inception in 2017, Ascent Yard Care has successfully eliminated hundreds of Vinca infestations.

Vinca removal costs:

For a free in-person quote in Victoria, BC, contact us and Jake will provide a detailed work order and price estimate.

Will Vinca regrow?

Although the most severe infestations might need up to two follow-up visits to fully eradicate any regrowth, most Vinca patches we treat are typically removed entirely in a single visit.

Expert Assistance:

Reach out to us for a free quote. We are dedicated to ensuring the success of each project.


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