How To Control Suckers - Branches Growing From The Trunk Or Roots

How To Control Suckers - Branches Growing From The Trunk Or Roots

How to deal with suckers

Why is my tree growing branches from the roots?

Branches that grow out of the tree roots are called suckers. Suckers are fast growing and grow long and straight. These are fast growing, skinny branches that grow out of the roots or around the base of the tree.

What causes suckers?

Suckers commonly grow from the roots when they have been damaged such as striking a root with a lawn mower. Suckers grow as a response to stress and are more common in urban areas due to their being a lack of quality soil and nutrients. The stress that can cause suckers to grow include disease, pests, drought, improper pruning, damaging weather, and more. Suckers commonly grow out of the trunks of trees that have been cut down.

Are suckers bad?

The suckers take energy away from the rest of the tree so it is best to remove them. Suckers are a sign that your tree is stressed. Identifying the cause of stress and improving your trees health is most important. Suckers are very common in some tree species so depending on the species of the tree it is not always a bad sign.

How to prevent suckers

The only way to prevent suckers from growing is by keeping your tree healthy and providing the right conditions for it to thrive. To keep conditions right, make sure your soil is not too compact, water extra in times of drought and be sure to prune correctly. You can also check on your trees regularly to ensure they’re growing healthily, and no issues are occurring. Suckers can also be caused by excessive pruning or improper pruning.

How to remove suckers

When removing suckers, try to cut them off as close to the base as possible without damaging the trunk or the roots. This will prevent regrowth. You can use sharp pruners or loppers to do this.


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