How To Get Rid Of Bindweed Permanently: Eco-friendly Removal
Conquer the Bindweed Invasion
Cutting Bindweed to Ground Level
Take a string trimmer or hand pruners and trim the bindweed right down to the ground. Note that this alone will not completely get rid of bindweed as it tends to regrow from its roots. However, it's a vital first step in the process.
Uproot the Bindweed
Young and small bindweed plants can be pulled out right from the roots, especially when the soil is soft and moist. This method is most effective on immature populations of bindweed.
Excavate the Roots
To tackle the roots, you can use a shovel or pickaxe. Keep in mind that the roots of mature bindweed plants can stretch as deep as 15 feet downwards, so this method is only truly effective on immature bindweed populations.
Avoid Spreading of Cuttings
Be careful not to leave any bindweed cuttings on the ground. These cuttings could take root and start a new plant. It's important to either dispose of the plant at a facility or secure it in a plastic bag to avoid further spreading.
Mow Down the Bindweed
If the area allows it, mow down the bindweed to ground level. This method is effective in preventing bindweed from climbing over other plants, fences or walls. As bindweed grows fast, regular weekly mowing is necessary for this method to be effective.
Treatment Process
Our team removes all vines and plant material above ground, and then properly cleans up and disposes of the cut material.
If needed, we also apply eco-friendly treatments to completely eradicate bindweed. This involves accurately treating small new leaves, which results in the death of the root system within a month. Our treatment does not harm other plants and does not contaminate the soil or result in runoff.
Since Ascent Yard Care's establishment in 2017, we've successfully removed hundreds of bindweed infestations.
Cover the Affected Area
After trimming the bindweed to ground level, cover the area with an opaque tarp or plastic sheet. This sheet should prevent any light from passing through, thus preventing the bindweed from photosynthesizing. Over a year or more, the plants and root system will die off due to lack of sunlight.
Professional Help
We take each project's success very seriously. Reach out to us for a free quote.
Understanding Bindweed
Bindweed, also known as “field bindweed”, is an invasive species that's quite widespread on Vancouver Island. This plant thrives in lawns and gardens. In a single year, a bindweed plant can grow from a seed into a large plant with a root system that reaches five feet deep and ten feet wide. The root systems of bindweed plants expand yearly and constantly sprout new plants.
Why is Bindweed Considered Invasive?
A single bindweed plant can quickly grow into a large patch containing thousands of plants.
Bindweed spreads underground via a rapidly expanding stem system, constantly sprouting new plants.
Bindweed is incredibly resilient, often re-sprouting after being cut down.
Each bindweed plant produces up to 500 seeds per year.
Bindweed is a climber, often enveloping and covering other plants.
Why Must We Eliminate Bindweed?
Bindweed tends to crowd out native species.
Bindweed infestations worsen over time.
Bindweed can harm natural waterways.
Bindweed can spread to neighbouring properties.
Bindweed flourishes and spreads rapidly in almost all soil conditions.
Permanent Removal of Bindweed
We can manually control immature bindweed infestations by cutting and pulling.
Our team removes all the vines and plant material above ground, cleans up the cut material, and hauls it away.
If necessary, we apply eco-friendly treatments to eradicate bindweed, treating small new leaves. After treatment, the root system dies within a month. Our treatment won't harm other plants and doesn't affect the soil or cause runoff.
Ascent Yard Care has successfully removed hundreds of bindweed infestations since 2017.
Cost of Removing Bindweed
Please contact us for a free in-person quote in Victoria, BC, and Jake will provide an exact work order and quote.
Will Bindweed Grow Back?
In severe infestations, we may need to make up to 2 follow-up visits to completely eradicate any re-growth. However, we can permanently remove most bindweed patches in a single visit.
We're Here to Help
We are dedicated to the successful eradication of bindweed.