How To Prevent Storms From Damaging Your Trees In Victoria BC

How To Prevent Storms From Damaging Your Trees In Victoria BC

Minimize damage in future storms

How to prevent storms from damaging your trees

Every year, strong winds break off branches or cause entire trees to fall over, leaving debris all over roads, yards, and houses. Additionally, Victoria receives wet snowfall during the winter months which builds up on tree branches and causes them to break off or even for the entire tree to fall over.

Trees can be cleaned up after they are damaged but it’s best to prevent any storm damage by hiring professionals to prepare your trees and shrubs to prevent damage from happening in the first place. A properly pruned tree can withstand storms, snowfall and high winds. We provide tree pruning services in Victoria.

Proper pruning is one of the best ways to keep your trees strong. New growth and long heavy limbs put extra weight on the tree leaving it less sturdy and more susceptible to damage. A strong base structure is integral for storm preparation. Additionally, any stray or weak limbs are at a high risk of breaking off in a storm. Pruning should be done according to the flowering cycle of the tree for best results.

After a snowfall, it is worth shaking the snow off of trees that have snow sitting on their branches. This will loosen and remove some of the snow weighing the branches down and reduce the risk of damage. This is important to do on hedges as well.


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