How To Transplant A Shrub

How To Transplant A Shrub

Follow these tips to keep your shrub healthy while transplanting

How to transplant a shrub

It’s important that transplanting be done properly, otherwise you risk stunting the shrubs' growth, or worse, killing the shrub. Follow these tips to transplant your shrub successfully.

Best time to transplant

The best time to transplant is in the spring or early summer, before it gets too hot. Transplanting can also be done in early fall.

Choosing a new location

The new location for your shrub should be chosen before you start to dig it up. Make sure that the new location meets the soil and sunlight requirements of the shrub, and that it has enough space between it and surrounding plants to grow properly.

Digging the new hole

Dig a hole that is the same size or larger than the root ball of the shrub you are transplanting. It’s important to have your new hole ready to go immediately. To improve the chances of success, loosen up the soil at the bottom and sides of the hole. This will help the transplanted shrub take root.

Moving the shrub

If the shrub is small enough to carry, be sure to handle it carefully and carry it by the sturdiest part. For easier transportation, a wheelbarrow will work, or you can place the shrub on a tarp and drag it over to its new spot. Digging out the shrub is a labour intensive process, when digging out the shrub you want to dig out as many of the roots as possible, so the larger the shrub the more difficult it will be to dig out.

Caring for your transplanted shrub

Once your shrub is planted in its new location, be sure to keep an eye on it and give it some extra care. You should be watering a newly transplanted shrub more than usual and applying a top layer of quality mulch or compost will keep the shrub healthy during its time of getting established in the new location.

Transplanting a shrub can be difficult, and we can help with that! We provide shrub transplanting services in Victoria, BC.


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