Morning Glory Identification and Removal - A Comprehensive Guide

Morning Glory Identification and Removal - A Comprehensive Guide

Unveiling the Dark Side of the Morning Glory

Morning Glory, also known as field bindweed, is a plant with deep roots and persistent growth habits that allow it to establish quickly and vigorously in a variety of environments. These characteristics make it a resilient and easy-to-grow plant which contributes to the spread of this invasive and destructive weed.

Aggressive Growth and Spread

One of the primary reasons Morning Glory is considered invasive is its aggressive growth habit. The plant spreads both vertically and horizontally at an astonishing pace, covering the ground and smothering other vegetation. The vines climb over fences, trees, and other plants, blocking sunlight and stifling their growth.

Deep Root System

Morning Glory plants have deep and extensive root systems that can penetrate the soil up to 15 feet. This not only helps the plant access water and nutrients from deep within the ground, but it also makes the plant incredibly hard to eradicate completely. Any fragments of roots left in the soil can regrow into new plants, making the infestation a perennial problem.


Morning Glory is a prolific seeder, with a single plant capable of producing hundreds of seeds each year.

Out-competition of Native Species

Another destructive aspect of Morning Glory is its ability to out-compete native plant species. By growing rapidly and covering large areas, Morning Glory deprives native plants of space, sunlight, and nutrients, resulting in their decline or disappearance. This can disrupt local biodiversity, threatening the survival of dependent insects and animals.

Impact on Agriculture

Morning Glory's invasive nature is not limited to gardens and natural ecosystems. It also poses significant challenges to agriculture. Dense infestations of the plant can severely reduce crop yields by competing for space, light, and nutrients. In addition, its climbing habit can interfere with harvesting machinery, leading to increased production costs.

Resistance to Control Measures

Finally, Morning Glory's resistance to control measures contributes significantly to its invasive status. Many common weed control methods, such as mowing and pulling, are ineffective against Morning Glory. The plant's deep roots make it resistant to drought, and its seeds' hard coating allows them to survive even after being ingested by animals or subjected to adverse conditions.

In conclusion, while the Morning Glory's vibrant flowers and rapid growth may seem attractive, these characteristics also contribute to its status as an invasive, destructive weed. Its aggressive growth habit, deep root system, seed longevity, ability to out-compete native species, and resistance to control measures make it a considerable concern for gardeners, farmers, and conservationists alike. It's critical to be aware of these issues when considering this plant for your garden and to take appropriate measures if an infestation occurs.

Removal Process:

At Ascent Yard Care, we understand the challenge that morning glory infestations pose, and that's why we've dedicated our efforts to provide expert, efficient, and eco-friendly morning glory removal services.


Our removal process starts by reducing the morning glory to ground level using specialized tools and equipment. This step is critical because it helps to curtail the plant's spread by stopping it from taking over other plants, lawns, or fences. However, this is only the first stage of the process; morning glory is infamous for its regrowth capabilities from roots.


We employ eco-friendly treatments to fully eradicate morning glory. By precisely treating small new leaves with our targeted approach, we ensure the entire root system dies within a month of treatment. Our treatments are safe and do not harm other plants or affect soil conditions, and there is no risk of run-off.

Covering and Monitoring:

Post-removal, the area can be covered with landscape fabric, depriving the morning glory of light essential for photosynthesis. This technique, while not always necessary is an additional step towards prevention.

Why Choose Ascent Yard Care?

Since our establishment in 2017, Ascent Yard Care has successfully removed hundreds of morning glory infestations. We're committed to providing a comprehensive solution to this invasive weed problem. We recognize that every garden, lawn, or landscape is unique and requires a custom approach. That's why we offer a free in-person quote to provide an exact work order tailored to your needs.

Morning Glory Removal Cost:

Contact us for a free in-person quote.

Expert Assistance:

Reach out to us for a free quote. We are deeply committed to the successful eradication of morning glory.


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