Tree Care for Storm Damage Protection

Tree Care for Storm Damage Protection

Recommended tree care during the stormy months

Fallen Tree

Winters in Victoria BC can bring damage to our outdoor spaces from rain, wind, and snow storms. Although these storms typically aren’t frequent, they can certainly leave their mark! Storms can leave you with a big cleanup, and sometimes even damage to your property. These things can be costly, so we want to share a few things you can do to be proactive and minimize risk of potential damage.

Prune your trees

Proper pruning keeps trees strong and healthy. Weak, dead, or diseased branches should be removed during pruning, as they are much more vulnerable to adverse weather. Overgrowth, or branches growing close to your house or structure should also be removed during pruning.

Trim your trees

If your trees aren’t quite ready for a full-on prune, keep them trimmed to minimize foliage loss. Strong winds can blow off small twigs and leave a big mess in your yard, so keeping your trees tightly trimmed will reduce this risk.

Check your trees regularly

Keep an eye on your trees for any early signs of damage or disease. Catching these things early allows you to address the problem before it’s too late.

Contact a professional

If you’re unsure about the safety of your tree(s), contact a tree professional to do an assessment. A professional can recommend any specific needs your tree may have. This can give you peace of mind knowing your trees are as prepped as possible to withstand upcoming storms.

Contact us

We can help get your trees ready for the winter season. Call us today to book a free assessment and quote.


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