Pest Diagnosis and Treatment | Ascent Yard Care

Pest Diagnosis and Treatment

Gardens are living ecosystems that can sometimes fall victim to unwelcome visitors

Pest Diagnosis and Treatment

Early Detection, Targeted Solutions

Gardens are living ecosystems that can sometimes fall victim to unwelcome visitors. In our mild climate certain pests can wreak havoc on your beloved trees, hedges, and gardens. Our specialized pest diagnosis and treatment services ensure that your outdoor space remains healthy, vibrant, and free from destructive invaders.

Recognizing the Signs: The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection is the first step in successful pest management. Common indicators include:

  • Discolouration: An indication of nutrient deficiency or the presence of sucking insects.
  • Holes in Leaves: Often a sign of chewing pests like leaf mining beetles or caterpillars.
  • Tip Dieback: The tips of branches dying or the top of a tree dying, often a sign of boring insects.

Prompt diagnosis helps us deploy the right treatment, be it pest eradication or nutrient correction.

Addressing Invasive Pests: A Growing Concern

The warming climate has allowed certain invasive pests, previously confined to the USA, to move north:

  • Invasive Species Management: Our specialized treatments help to control new and potentially destructive pests now appearing in Canadian gardens.

Our approach is not only about treatment but also monitoring and prevention to protect against future infestations.

Eco-Friendly Treatments: Responsible Stewardship

Our commitment to the environment is reflected in our pest control strategies:

  • Eco-Friendly Solutions: We select treatments that do not harm to beneficial insects, birds, and the surrounding ecosystem.
  • Targeted Treatment Plans: Tailored solutions to address the specific pest issues in your garden.

Our goal is not merely to eliminate pests but to nurture an environment where your garden can thrive.

We Care About Customers

From tiny townhome gardens to sprawling acreage estates, our pest treatment services have helped properties of all sizes showcase beautiful trees, hedges and gardens. We've built a reputation as trusted experts, with tailored solutions for each client.

Our People: The Secret to Great Work

Our dedicated team of professionals makes us stand out. We believe in ongoing education, rigorous training, and a shared passion for trees. Our understanding of local pests, coupled with our dedication to sustainable practices, makes us the go-to experts for pest diagnosis and treatment.

Sustainability and Community Engagement

We're proud to be part of our community and committed to environmentally responsible practices. In 2023 we raised over $5000 for local elementary schools by hosting Christmas tree chipping fundraisers. We also provided $3000 worth of free services to a family in need that was nominated through our Give The Gift Of Yard Care program.

Expert Help

Where gardens are cherished spaces, pest treatment is not just a reactive measure; it's about proactive care, from recognizing the early signs of infestation to deploying targeted, eco-friendly treatments, our services are designed to keep your outdoor space beautiful and vibrant.

Get In Touch

Tell us about your project, how you heard about us, and where you're located. We read every message.

* Jake usually responds within 15 minutes